PDS – “Techno Journey (AI)”

“Techno Journey (AI)” by PDS is song about fears of AI; its here and to stay! The song is a track from the album “Dance” released on January 26 2024. PDS has 3 full albums being released “Dance” (EDM, Pop, Hip Hop…), “Mama Said” (Contemporary songs) and “Still Amazing” (Inspirational Songs). PDS is on EDM//ECHO radio rotation with the track “Techno Journey (AI)”.

Apple Store Album preview all 22 songs: https://music.apple.com/us/album/dance/1722903320
Promo Link (Techno Journey AI): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=noMiP4oZVmo
Website: https://hnamusic.com/index.html

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